Safety is our priority #1. Excluding any and all risk is impossible for adventurous motorbike tours.

Liability waiver, hold harmless agreement and voluntary assumption of risk

We advise our participants on protective clothing and oblige the participants to adhere to them. We will also provide the best possible comprehensive instruction on traffic behaviour in the respective country. In addition, we strive to coordinate the level of difficulty for the off-road routes as well as possible to the level of the participants. Any and all participants are responsible to inform themselves about the risks and liabilities. Motor2Travel does not accept any liability and will ask you to read, understand and sign a Hold Harmless Declaration.

Since participants ride a vehicle themselves, Motor2Travel cannot be held responsible for any material or physical damages that may result from participant's or motorcycle actions or behaviour. We are also not liable for the driving behaviour of local road users who may cause accidents in which the participants are involved. Participation in the motorcycle tour is entirely your own risk. To make this limitation of liability as clear as possible, Motor2Travel does not accept any liability and will ask you to read, understand and sign a Hold Harmless Declaration.

If you don't feel you can ride a particular stretch during our motorcycle tour

Since you are the one riding the motorcycle, we cannot force you to ride if you don't feel up to it. Sometimes a particular stretch can be too challenging or you feel sick. We find it important that any and all bike riders will enjoy our vacation trips. If all else fails and you still feel uncomfortable about riding a particular stretch on a particular day, you are welcome to ride in the escort vehicle for that part.

Medication, diseases and physical condition

We expect you to be in good health and that you are used to physical activities, like outdoor sports.  If you need medication (e.g. insulin) or have any restrictions due to your health, you are obliged to inform the tour guide about this before starting the trip. If you are not sure whether you are responsible for the trip due to an illness or health problems, then you should consult your family doctor before starting the trip. Please note that our tours can be physically and mentally demanding. Think bad weather and other external challenging factors.

We expect each participant to be well informed about the difficulty of each trip. With this website we aim to inform you thoroughly and we welcome your questions at any time.  

You are obliged to inform Motor2Travel about your current state of health so that the trip can be carried out successfully and easily (see below). We will assist you as much as possible once we are on the way, if necessary, so that the rest of the group has no disadvantage.

Weather conditions and natural influences

Our trips are planned in the best season. Unfortunately however, weather is unpredictable. Especially in the areas where Motor2Travel organizes its trips, weather is an important factor for the overall experience of the trip. The weather can be a reason for us to change to other routes, to adjust the program or, if the prospects are very bad, to end the trip early. Natural disasters and acts of God such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions can also have a major impact on the course of the trip. In this case Motor2Travel will offer alternatives and discuss and implement them together with the group. However, Motor2Travel is in no way liable for any form of consequences of these external influences during the trip.

Declaration of own risk:

"I declare that I am in sufficiently good physical and mental condition and that I will consult my doctor if in doubt. I will not hold the organisation of the trip liable in any way for damage or accidents that may occur due to mental or physical limitations. My participation in this trip is therefore entirely at my own risk."

"I hereby declare that I am taking part in this Motor2Travel trip entirely at my own risk as far as participation in road traffic is concerned and that I will not make any claims whatsoever against the organisation for any damage that may arise from accidents in which I may be involved. My participation in this trip is therefore entirely at my own risk."

You can download this statement as a PDF file: Motor2Travel Erklärung eigenes Risiko.

You can also download the explanation as a PDF file: Motor2Travel own risk explanation.

Download the declaration, read it, sign it and return the signed copy to us. If you donot understand any part of the declaration, let us know.